Nancy Fontenot

Nancy Fontenot, of Fairhope, Alabama, is a RJ practitioner. After a 30-year career as a high school English teacher, she completed a M.A. in Ethics & Society with a focus on Restorative Justice & Catholic Social Teaching (Fordham '23). Nancy is also a graduate of Louisiana State University (B.A. '89) and Yale University (M.A. '91). Nancy's RJ practice focuses on 3 areas: community-building circles, reentry education, and Catholic Social Teaching.

“Goodness, together with love, justice, and solidarity, are not achieved once, and for all; they have to be realized each day.” ~Pope Francis Fratelli Tutti 

With much gratitude to Restorative Justice Westchester, Restorative Justice Initiative, Kay Pranis, Catholic Mobilizing Network, and Mary Carter.